For spiritual, moral intellectual, social and cultural and physical formation, IHMA provides the following:


The chapel is the house of God and a place of worship.  The pupils are encouraged to begin and end their school day with a visit to the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel.


The services offered by the Guidance Center are:
1. Testing Program
a. IQ and Readiness test for Kinder applicants
b. Scholastic and other Admission Tests
c. CEM Tests: Diagnostic Tests
2. Counseling and Interview
3. Group Guidance and Home Program
4. Career Orientation
5. Information/Orientation   (For Grade 1, First Year, and New Students)
6. Individual Inventory
7. Referral

Educational Media Center (EMC)

A. Library

The  library  is  a  place  for  a  quiet  learning  and  independent research.  It is a necessary extension of the classroom where the pupils can gain access to additional references beyond their textbooks. Being an integral part   of the educational   process,   IHMA   maintains   a combined   Elementary    and   High School   Library   with   adequate collection of volumes in literature, religion, science, and other instructional    materials.    Bonafide    pupils/students,     teaching    and non-teaching personnel of IHMA are entitled to the use of the library, subject to the rules and regulations.

The library uses the “open shelf” system. Services  are rendered on Mondays  thru Fridays  from 6:45  a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  – NO NOON BREAK  – and on Saturdays  from 8:00 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m.
To be able to maximize  the use of the library and its resources, the  pupils   are  given  orientation   at  the  start  of  the  school  year. Re-orientation  during the school year is provided when necessary.
To enable to truly profit from the unique services  of the library, the following guidelines  need to be observed:
a. Each   pupil   (from   Grade   3  to  Fourth   Year)   is  given   a borrower’s  card at the start of the school  year, which he/she uses  when  checking   out  a  book   or  any  library  material. Borrowers’  cards  are to be surrendered  at the end of the school year.
b. Fiction  books  and Biography   books  may be borrowed   for
a period  of two (2) weeks  while  non-fiction  books  may be borrowed  for a period  of   three (3) days subject   to renewal for the  same  length  of time,  if not  in demand.  Otherwise, books may be borrowed  overnight  only.
c. Overnight  books  are  lent  out  during  dismissal  time  in  the
afternoon only and must be returned not later than their recess time in the morning the following  day.
d. General    reference    books,    newspapers,     magazines    and clippings  are to be used in the library only.
e. Fines shall be collected  for overdue books.
f.  Pupils with overdue books are not allowed to borrow library materials  unless accounts  due to the library are settled.
g. Pupils  are  held  responsible   for  loss  or  damage   of  books
borrowed.  Report card / transfer credential  will not be issued unless   lost   or   damaged   books   have   been   satisfactorily accounted  for.
h. The  library   maintains   “NO RESERVATIONS”     policy.
It serves its users on the first-come-first-served   basis.
i.  Lending  the borrower’s   card  or borrowed  books  is strictly prohibited  and subjects  the owner of the card to suspension  of his/her library privileges.
g. Eating, sleeping, doing school projects are strictly prohibited
h. SILENCE shall be maintained inside the library at all times. (Other Library rules are printed separately).

B   Audio-Visual  Facilities  and Audio- Visual Room
The Audio-Visual  facilities  provides  audio-visual  resources (viewing  and  listening  equipment,  video  and  audio  cassette  tapes, visual aids such as posters, charts, maps, slides and transparencies)  to enrich learning  in the classroom  and to provide various A- V services for various activities.
For better and more effective  service, all users are enjoined to observe the following  guidelines:
1. Only  the  teachers   may  arrange   for reservation    of A- V room, materials  and equipment.
2. Fetching  and returning  of equipment  are to be done by the teachers.
3. Students/Pupils may enter the AVR only when a scheduled  activity is taking place there.
4. Students/Pupils    should    be    responsible     for    maintaining     the orderliness  and cleanliness  of the AVR.
5. The AV staff will not be responsible  for lost items.

Laboratories  (Speech, Science and Computer)

Classes use these laboratories  during their respective  subject periods in English, Science,  and Computer. All pupils are required to follow  strictly  all  laboratory  rules  and  regulations.  Any breakage/damages    must  be  immediately   reported   and  paid  for  or replaced.


The bookstore is open before classes in the morning, during recess and noon break. Instructional supplies must be bought during this time. Special arrangement may be made with the person-in- charge to purchase school supplies not readily available at the bookstore.

Dental and Medical Clinic

1. The school  clinic  offers  its medical  and dental  facilities during  prescribed  hours  to pupils/students   who are in need  of these services.
2. All  students/pupils  are  entitled   to a physical   check-up   once  a year.
3. Clinic  services   include  routine   check-ups    and  treatment    or emergency    cases,  but not  any  formal   consultation    and  treatment.
4. In case  a student/pupil  gets  sick  during  school  hours  the parents   are notified   through  the telephone.   If it is necessary   that the student/pupil  be given medicine,    emergency    medicines    are  available   for  their  use,  provided there  is no history   of allergy.
5.  In   case   of   emergency     when    a  student/pupil   needs    immediate hospitalization,       he/she    will    be   brought     to   the   hospital     for   the necessary   medical   attention.   Parents   are notified   as  soon  as possible.
6.  First   aid  treatment    for  accidents    during   school   hours   is given  by the school  clinic  but  follow-up   treatment   is the responsibility of the parents   who  should  refer  the  case  to their private   physician   if necessary.
7. No pupil  is allowed   to stay  in the  clinic  unless  permitted   by the    clinic-in-charge. The teacher     will allow another student/pupil to accompany  a sick  student/pupil   to the  clinic  only  if it is necessary    in which case  the  former  must  immediately    go back  to the  classroom. The school clinic offers its medical and dental facilities during prescribed hours to pupils/students who are in need of these services.
All students/pupils are entitled to a physical check-up once a year.


Cleanliness    and  orderliness    must  be observed   all the  time.
The   school   canteen    serves    snacks    and   light   meals    during recess,   lunch   break   to pupils/students,      staff   members    and   faculty.
Students/Pupils  must  observe   proper  table  manners   at the canteen.   They  should leave  the  table clean  and  orderly.
All  students/pupils   are  required   to practice   courtesy   and  politeness    to every   person   serving 
them.   They   should   show   signs  of  gratitude   to those   who   serve   them   by  saying   “please”   and  “thank   you”   for  any request   or service   granted.

Security Measures

The    school    hires    the   services     of   a   Security     Agency    to provide   security   measure   on a 24-hour   service.
the security guards are agents of persons in authority and student/pupil who refuse to follow legal orders made though them are liable for the disciplinary sanction.