Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Tuition Fees


A. The School depends solely from its fees. Therefore a system of payment is adapted to meet the monthly expenditures:

  1. a 5% discount on tuition only is granted to enrollees who pay their tuition and other fees in full upon enrollment
  2. monthly payment on tuition fees; all monthly back accounts must be settled before every examination
  3. payment may also be made in advance: quarterly, semestral, yearly basis
  4. Nursery and Kinder pupils without brothers and sisters in the higher grades are required to pay two months tuition in advance.

B. Withdrawals and Refunds: Written notification from parents of withdrawing pupil/student should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office on or before the deadline set by the school.

The School follows the regulations of DepEd concerning withdrawals and refunds thus:

  1. A student who transfers or otherwise withdraws within two weeks after the beginning of classes and who has already paid the tuition fee and other fees in full or for any length of time longer than one month may be charged 10% of the total amount due for the term if he/she withdraws within the first week of classes, or 20% if within the second week of classes, regardless of whether or not, he/she has actually attended classes. However, if the transfer or withdrawal is due to justifiable reason such as change of residence, serious illness, the student would be charged the pertinent fees only up to and including the last month of attendance.
  2. Schools may withhold from a student the permission to transfer if he/she has not fully settled his/her financial accounts with the school.
  3. Pupils who withdraw or drop out should notify officially the Registrar and the Cashier. Otherwise, they will be billed for the whole year’s fees.
  4. No withdrawal is allowed in February.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Address: M. Quezon St., City of Mati, Davao Oriental
Tel Nos.: 087-3883-232 | 087-811-5172
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