Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy



FULL SCHOLARSHIP – Grade VI pupils who graduated with the highest general average from a government approved and recognized school are granted a 100% free tuition fee. They must present proper credentials showing that they graduated with the highest general average in their class of thirty (30) or more pupils. The scholarship may be renewed if the student maintains an academic general average rating of 90%, a grade of at least 85% in non-academic subjects, and a deportment grade of 85%.

HALF SCHOLARSHIP – Grade VI pupils who graduated with second highest general average from a government approved and recognized school are granted 50% free tuition fee. They must present a proper credentials showing that they graduated with second highest general average in their class of at least 30 or more pupils. The scholarship may be renewed if the
student maintains an academic general average of 88%, a grade of at least 85% in deportment and a grade of at least 85% in non-academic subjects.

A 50% free tuition fee is granted to the immediate fifth and succeeding child of the family enrolled in the school.

A 100% free tuition, other school fees, free books is granted to efficient high school working student. They must:

  1. be children of poor families
  2. obtain a grade of at least 80% in academic subjects
  3. obtain a grade of not lower than 85% in deportment
  4. have good health

Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Address: M. Quezon St., City of Mati, Davao Oriental
Tel Nos.: 087-3883-232 | 087-811-5172
Copyright © 2025