Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Procedure & Requirements


New Students

a. Every applicant for admission must present the following requirements:

  1. Photocopy of NSO authenticated Certificate of Live Birth
  2. Report card (Form 138) duly endorsed by the authorities of the school last attended.
  3. Conduct grade must be at least 80% or its equivalent
  4. Certification of good moral character from the head of school last attended
  5. Certification of academic excellence from the head of school last attended (for those who graduated with the highest and second
  6. highest general average in Grade VI) Certificate of Baptism (for Catholics)
  7. Must have taken and passed the entrance examinations
  8. Foreigners:
    1. Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR) recently renewed by the Bureau of Immigration
    2. Study permit for Immigrants
    3. Passport
    4. School records from previous school, duly authenticated by the Embassy
    5. Certificate of Baptism (for Catholics)
    6. Must pass the placement test given by the Guidance Center
    7. Two (2) copies of recent identical 1 x 1 I.D. picture
    8. Applicant and parent or guardian must undergo an interview and sign an enrollment application with the Principal.

Old Students

a. Old students will be allowed to enroll upon presentation of the following requirements:

  1. Report Card (Form 138)
  2. for foreigners: ACR number with the latest
    date of annual registration

b. Students with disciplinary problems (conduct grade below 80%, tardiness of 20 times or more) must be accompanied by parents/guardians for interview and contract signing upon enrollment.

c. Settle old accounts, if any.

Summer Students

Students who attended Summer classes in other schools must submit his/her summer grades upon enrolment. They must obtain a mark of 75% or its equivalent to qualify for the next year level. Those who fail in their summer classes have the options to repeat the same year level in IHMA or transfer to another school.

Returning Students

Students who were once enrolled in the high school and had transferred to another school but want to come back are treated as new students regarding application for admission.

****The School reserves the right to refuse admittance to returning students who have been dismissed due to grave offenses as specified in the handbook.

For Late Enrollees

A late enrollee is accepted in the class and section to
which he/she properly belongs by presenting to the
Class Adviser an admission slips duly signed by the

Request to Transfer

Students who will transfer to another school for any
reason, must secure a permit to transfer from the
Registrar’s Office.

Correction of Names

A.) Parents/Students themselves are the ones to request the school for change/correction of names, etc.


  1. affidavit of 2 interested persons
  2. original birth certificate from the NSO

B.) When all documents are in order, school should request the Regional Office through the Division Office

Other conditions for non-admittance:

Admission may be refused by IHMA to Students

  1. have been given the last chance to enroll due to poor academic standing but showed no improvement in academic performance
  2. continue to have poor health
  3. are irregular in class attendance
  4. continue to have undesirable behavior (deportment grade below 80%)
  5. considerably fail to pay their school obligation

Placement of Transferees from Foreign Countries

(cf. Section 142, RMRPS)

Each accepting school shall have the discretion to determine the appropriate elementary grade in which to place the transferee. In general, except as otherwise indicated, the appropriate grade level should be the next curriculum year following that completed abroad by the applicant. For example, a pupil who has completed Grade IV in a foreign school abroad should be considered for admission to Grade V here. The following guidelines shall be observed:

  1. Those who have completed the Sixth Grade abroad are eligible for admission to Grade 7; however, graduates of a five-year elementary curriculum are eligible only for admission to Grade VI.
  2. Those who have completed the Eighth Grade abroad are eligible for admission to Grade 9, but shall take Filipino 7.
  3. Those who have completed Grade 9 abroad are eligible for Grade 10 but shall take Filipino 7 and 8.
  4. Those who have completed the Grade 10 abroad are eligible for Grade 11 but shall take Filipino 7 and 8. They need not take Filipino 9 or 10 in order to finish Junior High School.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Address: M. Quezon St., City of Mati, Davao Oriental
Tel Nos.: 087-3883-232 | 087-811-5172
Copyright © 2025