Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Vision & Mission


IHMA envisions

A vibrant learning community
of grateful young girls and boys
of faith, love and service for the transformation
of a society where God reigns.


Guided by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ,
inspired by the MIC spirituality of thanksgiving, held by
nurturing and competent leaders, faculty and employees
and honed through responsive programs supported by
current technology and relevant facilities, IHMA
commits itself to journey with the students in their
integral formation and development as maturing
Christian witnessing God’s Kingdom.

Hence, the school resolves to:

• provide a curriculum that is learner-centered, geared towards the mastery of basic knowledge, skills and attitudes, which integrates Kingdom values and culture, and is pursued in the context of education today;

• facilitate the living out of the Filipino cultural heritage, hence, committed to participate in the building of a Filipino nation that is maka-Diyos, maka-tao, maka-bayan and maka-kalikasan;

• foster a climate of an educating community wherein teachers, non-teaching staff and administrators manifest a genuine reciprocity, collaboration, generous service and commitment to the kingdom values;

• help the members of IHMA community to pursue their participation in the mission of Christ – to the upliftment of life, the promotion of justice and peace, and an authentic concern for the poor and the non-Christians, as well as responding to the challenges of globalization.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Address: M. Quezon St., City of Mati, Davao Oriental
Tel Nos.: 087-3883-232 | 087-811-5172
Copyright © 2025